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The Role of Innovation for Entrepreneurial Start Up and/or Firm Growth – Uniresearchers

The Role of Innovation for Entrepreneurial Start Up and/or Firm Growth – Uniresearchers Contents1.Focus2.Method2.1 Data Analysis3.Literature Review4.Finding4.1 Survey Analysis4.2 Implication5. Limitations6. Conclusion7.References Focus The paper is mainly focussed at exhibiting the role of innovation for entrepreneurial start up and/ or firm growth. Creativity or innovation is a significant driver for entrepreneurs to come up with […]

Decision Support Instruments in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) – Uniresearchers

The purpose of the research report is to compare the decision support instruments cost-benefit analysis – CBA, multi-criteria analysis – MCA and environmental impact assessment – EIA. The report will compare the frameworks for their similarities and differences and thereby understand how they complement each other. Decision making process is important for taking protective measures for the environment against natural hazards and other issues that raise environmental concerns.

CSR and the Competing Business Interests Of Corporations – Uniresearchers

Corporate social responsibility refers to the way organisation plan and carries out their relations with the stakeholders. Here is the sample report to refer.The organisations of the twenty-first century are more accountable to their stakeholders than ever before. While the investors, shareholders and financiers are interested in the economic profitability that the business generates, the general public, local community, non government organisations and the government is concerned with the social benefits that the business could provide.

Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes: Relation to Economic Growth – Uniresearchers

Explore the relationship between democratic and authoritarian regimes and their impact on economic growth. Gain insights into the advantages and challenges of each system. Discover the implications for society. The predominant view among academics, scholars and leading economists is that democracy either has no impact or has negative impact on the leading economic indicator of a country, the GDP growth rate (Przeworski & Maravall, 2003).

Attitude towards funding of Higher education

The purpose of the research proposal is to conduct an inquiry into the survey methodologies to be adopted by the Department of Education to carry out a survey to evaluate the public attitude towards higher education funding in England. The survey would involve a quantitative survey, which is proposed to be undertaken using face to face paper based survey questionnaire method, telephone and the postal method. The survey is designed to be completed within 30 minutes. The total number of questions in the survey will be between 10 and 15. The survey will consider a sample size of 3333 respondents who would be the households and the first year students in the universities of the UK.…

Qualitative Research methodology

The aim of the essay is to present an understanding of the various principles and process of research methodology in relation to the article, “Poverty in Global Perspective: Is Shame a Common Denominator?” by Robert Walker et al (2013). The focus of the work is on the psychosocial dimensions of poverty based on the experiences of the adults and children who live in utter poverty in seven countries like Uganda, India, China, Pakistan, South Korea and urban Norway. The living experiences of the sampled population were similar to all the countries that were covered as a part of the survey. The results of the survey confirm that shame is a negative psychological feeling that results from the persistence of poverty. …

Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria

This study focuses on the relationship between good governance and sustainable development using Nigeria as the case study. This was informed by the need to emphasize the role of governance using the Nigerian state which represents the perfect example for understanding the interplay between these two economic factors. Sustainable development is the ability of a state or country to gradually advance the desires of the present without compromising the capability of future generations to meet their needs.

A critical analysis of the Concept of governance and practices in Nigeria

It has been 54 years since Nigeria attained independence and became a democracy, and it was the vision of the country’s leaders at the time of independence to see Nigeria rise to become the pride of Africa. However this dream is largely unfulfilled mainly due to the state of governance and the government in the country. Nigeria and several other African nations like South Africa, Ghana, Sudan and Kenya have become democracies after freeing themselves from military dictatorship. These countries were stable economies until the 1960s but began to struggle under economic crisis in their states.

Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes: Relation to Economic Growth – Uniresearchers

The predominant view among academics, scholars and leading economists is that democracy either has no impact or has negative impact on the leading economic indicator of a country, the GDP growth rate (Przeworski & Maravall, 2003). Therefore it is often argued that authoritarian system of politics may lead a nation to faster growth or will at least match up to that of a democratic political system (Przeworski, 1995). Even though it is seldom believed that democratic systems may have some positive indirect effects, yet empirical evidence has suggested that these positive effects are nullified through the negative effects of democracy over a period of five years (Barro, 1996; Feng, 1997 and Kurzman et al., 2002).

Safety-Critical Systems: Software Safety in Healthcare (Level M)

This assignment examines the challenges faced by healthcare systems and clinical software because they have lot of risks. In the absence of a standardized method of risk management, the assignment explores the effects of hazards and risks in healthcare systems and software and explores methods to overcome them. For this an existing case of Therac-25 mishap is identified and the risk methods are studied using the method of FTA tool. The effects of risks and hazards in software and devices are studied and results are summarized to emphasise risk management as an inherent process in clinical systems development.

Research philosophies – A discussion about the positivism and interpretivism philosophies

Research philosophies are the outer layer of the Research onion, a popular metaphor for the various layers or steps in the research project, that resemble the layers of onion. The other layers of social research consist of research approaches, research strategies, research choices, time horizons and the data collection techniques and analysis (Saunders, et al., 2007). The research philosophy indicates the development of knowledge that relates to nature of knowledge. The research paradigm refers to the set of beliefs which will guide the action of the social researcher. The research paradigms are also referred to as pillars of research philosophy.

An analysis of the various sales promotional tools for a family business

The purpose of the research proposal is to conduct an inquiry into the survey methodologies to be adopted by the Department of Education to carry out a survey to evaluate the public attitude towards higher education funding in England. The survey would involve a quantitative survey, which is proposed to be undertaken using face to face paper based survey questionnaire method, telephone and the postal method. The survey is designed to be completed within 30 minutes. The total number of questions in the survey will be between 10 and 15. The survey will consider a sample size of 3333 respondents who would be the households and the first year students in the universities of the UK. …

Climate change as an international security threat

One of the growing concerns for the international community is the threat of climate change which is set to pose a grave threat to the peace and security of world nations. The Asian countries of India and Pakistan top the list of the Global Climate Index as nations that are vulnerable to numerous catastrophes as a result of climate change, due to melting glacier of the Himalayas that have on numerousoccasions caused flash floods i the region resulting in several deaths and immeasurable disaster. Similarly extreme weather events like storm and hurricanes that affect the USA and other countries on the Pacific belt, and extreme hot weather conditions in Australia, are a result of climate change phenomenon. As United Nations pointed out, the adverse impact of climate change make it a security threat despite the absence of conflict in military terms (Greenpeace.org, 2013) . ....