
Innovation in Nanotechnology

1. Introduction :

Nanotechnology can be defined as a multidisciplinary field of technologies that is expected to reach the masses by 2020. It offers a new approach to the innovation and learning in a significant manner. Nanotechnology is further defined as a science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale (Guston, 2010). It is also the application of small things used in the field of science such as chemistry, biology, material science, and engineering. It can be said that the use of nanotechnology exists in different fields making it all the more interesting and appealing. The concept of nanotechnology is quite old and has been prevailing since 1960s long before the actual term nanotechnology was used. It was described as a phenomenon where scientists would be able to manipulate and manage individual atoms and molecules in a systematic manner. After decades, the introduction of ultra precision machines and scanning microscope further paved the way for nanotechnologies (Islam, 2010).

There is a general agreement that nanotechnology is a platform with a vast degree of potential to transform wide arrays of industries. It spans through scientific development across various disciplines and the combination of innovation and asymmetric dispersion of knowledge related to nanotechnology further suggests that recent knowledge might reside in the network systems rather than in individual innovation system (Linton and Walsh, 2008). The usefulness of nanotechnology is widely recognised in different industries. This assignment will describe nanotechnology and its contribution in three areas related to transportation, medical, and aerospace science. It will also conclude by evaluating the importance of nanotechnology in these areas in a succinct manner. This will help in identifying the use of nanotechnology.

The use of nanotechnologies offers a great deal of opportunities and possibilities considering the fact that some techniques can only be assumed whilst others can be tested and used. Nanotechnology in the field of medicines involves the application of nanoparticles under development along with the use of nanorobots for repairing the cellular level in the form of nanomedicine (Allarakhia and Walsh, 2011).

The use of nanotechnology can revolutionise the way disease are detected and treated in the field of medical science. A number of techniques are making remarkable progress whilst many have been becoming relates (Teece, 2011). One of the applications of nanotechnology in medicine is employing the nanoparticles to deliver drugs or heat other substances for specific kind of cells like the cancer cells. Particles are engineered in such a way that they attract diseased cells allowing direct treatment of those cells. This technique is further helpful in reducing damage to other healthy cells in a significant manner (Teece, 2011).

The use of nanoparticles in delivering chemotherapy drugs to the cancer cells is still under development. However, this poses huge possibility and opportunity for treating a number of diseases that might affect the lives of patients. The targeted delivery of particles is not only innovative but also useful in enhancing the overall quality of health of people across the globe. A number of researchers have been trying to use nanoparticles in various medicines to treat life-threatening diseases. Even though the scope of nanoparticles and technologies in medical science is quite huge, there remains the possibility of nanoparticles not offering desired results (Linton and Walsh, 2008). This can be assumed as a major challenge that needs to be sorted out by conducting a series of experiments and clinical tests.

Medical imaging technologies have been helpful in the rapid diagnosis of wide arrays of pathologies for increasing the sensitivity and utility. There has been a usage of imaging technologies like CT and MRI relying on the contrast agents. The current generation of contrast agents is helpful in enabling rapid diagnosis. The Department of Nanotechnology in Canada found that through nanotechnology, there has been an improvement in biocompatibility, sensitivity, and biodistribution of the contrast materials (Rosen et al, 2011). The use of nanotechnology has further resulted in adding value to the imaging technologies through the use of fluorescence imaging. Nanotechnology has been helpful in facilitating the task of diagnosing the disease through clear pictures by reducing the abnormalities of diagnostic images and contrast materials. The usefulness of nanotechnology is further found in the area of transportation (Attebery, 2004).

One of the most interesting applications of nanoparticles is in the form of its addition to diesel fuel for wide arrays of vehicles. Nanoparticles are useful in burning the fuel in a better manner in the engine that gives more miles per gallon. The engine also requires little servicing because of the fact that it stays cleaner for a long period of time. Nanoparticles are also used in aviation for making airplanes lighter and more durable (Berube, 2004). They create new material that can be replaced with heavy parts and materials used more commonly. There is no doubt that the weight of airplanes plays an important role in defining the consumption pattern of fuel. Nanoparticles have the tendency to reduce the weight that might lead to a reduction in fuel consumption. This can be assumed as one of the biggest benefits in regards to the aviation industry. For ships also the lightness of nanoparticles and materials is proving to be quite useful offering stronger and lighter hulls along with nanocoating that helps in increasing the durability (Godard et al, 2007).

In all modes of transportation, nanocoating of metallic surfaces help in achieving low friction and enhanced the degree of corrosion protection. These materials are also programmed in a manner so that defects can be analysed equally leading to instant repair (Hassan, 2005). Nanoparticles used in transportations are further stronger and lighter with nanoscale dimensions that lead to cheaper, faster, and safer transportation. This can be assumed as quite innovative in terms of enhancing the overall life and movement of different modes of transportations in a significant manner. Nanoparticles are also responsible for the innovation in the field of smart sensors that are further useful in enhancing the flow of communication (Linton and Walsh, 2008). From an environmental perspective, nanoparticles are helpful in reducing the transport energy that helps in preventing the detrimental impact on the environment. Apart from different modes of transportation, nanotechnologies is also useful in the field of aero science.

The significance of nanotechnology is widely realised in different areas but the importance in aerospace is highly acknowledged. This is mainly because of the fact that nanotechnologies help in reducing the weight of airplanes along with making them lighter and safer (Zweck et al, 2003). Bulk metals with nanoscale are used widely in the aircraft manufacturing and they exhibit improved properties compared to the microscope structure. They also offer more yield strength, corrosion resistance, tensile strength, and low density that help in managing the weight of aircrafts. Nano-materials are also used as filler materials for enhancing the properties of polymers used in the construction of aircrafts (Berube, 2004). Some of the materials are in the form of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers. Thus, it can be said that the benefits of nanotechnologies is in the form of creating materials and devices at extremely small scales helping in different areas and industries (Ferris, 2016).

NASA has been using nanotechnologies in the form of shielding personals and spacecraft from harmful radiation gases. The benefits of using nanotechnology in this regard are in the form of lightweight, flexible, and low-cost shielding materials that are helpful in space outings (NASA, 2017). Even though benefits of nanotechnologies are known and explored well, there are also challenges in the form of nanotechnologies requiring a high amount of energy to produce. Additionally, this might lead to high amount of waste in the future considering the fact that production of nanotechnologies is still at a moderate stage. Another challenge is in the form of better clarity on benefits but little information available on the challenges and risks. There is growing consensus among business houses that nanotechnology will be helpful in controlling the degradation of the environment along with mitigating human toxicity. However, this requires an assessment of the challenges and risks (Savage and Diallo, 2005).


There is no doubt that the usefulness of nanotechnologies is not restricted to any specific field or industry and the benefits have been realized in the area of aerospace, transportation, and medical science. The major benefits are in the form of a reduction in weight and enhancement in durability in the transportation system. In addition, it is effective in imaging response in the medical industry that will lead to a better degree of diagnosis. In aerospace, NASA uses it for shielding astronauts and spacecraft against the harmful radiation rays through shielding wearable. There is a paucity of information in regards to challenges and risk but the advent and implementation of nanotechnologies seem to be productive and beneficial in the present. Further research is required to identify the cost and other safety challenges to acknowledge the usefulness of nanotechnologies at the global level.


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Berube, D.M.: (2004), ‘The Rhetoric of Nanotechnology’, in: D. Baird, A. Nordmann & J. Schummer (eds.), Discovering the Nanoscale, Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 173-192.

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